Big Foot – Big, Hairy and Scarey

Bigfoot is a creature of North American folklore, often described by those who claim to have seen him, as a very big – more than 6 feet tall – and hairy creature, covered in black, brown or reddish fur. Apparently, the Sasquatch also emits a foul smell, and either moves silently or emitting a loud and high-pitched noise. The few scientists who recognize his existence believe that the creature might be relate to the Almas, a Siberian version of the much better-known Bigfoot, and they both could be a remnant of Neanderthals.
As with everything else in the paranormal world, his existence is questioned by many, seen that there is a lack of evidences to support it. At the same time, though, there seem to be too many sightings and reliable witnesses for it to be simply a legend, raising serious questions among the public.
The most common and heard explanation is that people simply mistake other animals for it – mostly grizzly and bears. Even its gigantic footprints – which are said to be around 25 inches big! – have sometimes been found together with claw marks, which makes scientists think of bears.
Even those experts who actually believe in the existence of sasquatches, admit that most of these sightings are either hoaxes or mistakes.
The myth, or not, of Bigfoot is much more ancient than we can register, but it was during the 60’s that the story took a new and more significant meaning, when Dr. Grover Krantz, from Washington State University, started analysing a series of footprints from the area of Washington. His conclusion was that the footprints were either left by an upright-walking huge primate, or by some conman with a deep understanding of primate foot anatomy.
It was then during the 70’s that the phenomenon really exploded and became matter of mainstream entertainment in the North American culture, in a certain measure thanks to the still biggest piece of evidence existing in favour of Big Foot existence.
The Patterson-Gimlin film was shot in a remote area of northern California in 1967, by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin. The two men went on a mission trying to make a documentary about Big Foot, and followed the many tracks that they heard of, around Bluff Creek.
As of today, no one has been able to prove that the video is a fake, even if many people have confessed to be the “Bigfoot”, simply using a costume. These confessions, though, appear to be hoaxes themselves: they often contradict each other, and most important of all, no one has ever been able to provide said costume. Even more interesting, no one has been able to recreate the costume, despite the many attempts.
The reason of this is the fact that the figure in the footage has shorter legs and longer arms than a human, and therefore more similar to an ape-like creature.
Another piece of very compelling hard evidence comes, once again, from the 70’s, and it is a very impressive collection of recordings obtained in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California. The Sierra Sounds collection, brought together by a newspaper journalist, are considered to be real by many, and in a few of these recordings something that resembles primitive language was registered.
People in North America are generally obsessed with this creature – and why wouldn’t they? – as it is a big part of their folklore. It has not only been portrayed in books and movies, but since 2011 is also the main character of a series entitled “Finding Bigfoot”, which rose in popularity and still airs on Animal Planet. Bigfoot is even the official animal of two American cities, Marion (NC) and Whitehall (NY)!
So… have you seen it?
Author Letizia
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