
Another unique creature brought to us by the American culture and folklore is the Mothman. This creepy being is a humanoid around seven feet tall: its main characteristics are enormous wings, and red, hypnotic glowing eyes. As this wasn’t creepy enough, people around the world claim to have seen it right before disastrous events: if to warn about imminent disasters, or to create disasters itself, it is still unclear. Moreover, no one can exactly pinpoint its origins: some claim it might be a creature like bigfoot, or from some other world, like aliens.
The ones who have seen it have also witnessed electrical malfunctioning and inexplicable lights in the sky, or have heard this unbearable shriek that seems to cause nausea and vertigo.
The first famous sightings happened in West Virginia, and see as protagonists were five grave diggers, who heard noises coming from the trees and looked up to see a flying man above them. The next days, others have seen the mystical creature, and this continued for over a year, with people describing a flying man with red glowing eyes and bat wings.
A reporter of the time received more than 500 calls about the Mothman and the strange events that came with it, until, a year after the first sightings, tragedy eventually struck. The Silver Bridge collapsed, causing 46 deaths, immediately after, the Mothman disappeared.
A similar thing happened then in Freiburg, Germany, when a group of miners was forced to run away from the mines because of this winged man blocking the entrance whilst emitting a very unpleasant sound: a few hours later, an earthquake caused the mines to collapse. If any of them had been inside, they most certainly would have died.
From Europe, all the way to Asia, more specifically Japan, the screeching sound was heard again, and more people admitted to seeing the moth man. This happened around the Fukushima nuclear power plant, right before the earthquake that caused its explosion.
Witness Marcus Pules, an American visitor, reported seeing a figure sitting on a building, spreading a pair of enormous black wings and flying towards him, after emitting the usual screech. At that point, the creature looked at him with its red glowing eyes: Marcus felt a horrible feeling pervade him, and the creature took off right after.
The Mothman is connected to many other terrible events, close to which he was seen and its sound was heard, like the Chernobyl accident, the Minneapolis Bridge collapse of 2007, and the terrorist attack towards the Twin Towers.
Yes, unbelievable but true, many people reported seeing a black-winged creature flying around the Twin Towers in the days leading to the event, and during the attack itself, as the second place hit, people saw the creature flying next to it. When the same individuals reported these sightings, they were allegedly approached by Men in Black, who forced them to stop talking about it.
As of today, though, we have just a couple of pictures to prove its existence, and if we were to ask to the people of West Virginia if the Mothman really exists, most of them would say what people reported seeing in the sixties was just a shitepoke, a type of heron.
We cannot possibly be sure about whether the Mothman is our ally or if it is in fact causing all these tragedies, but we would, sure as hell, get very far away if we’d ever spot it, and recommend you do the exact same. Just take a pic before rushing away!
Author Letizia
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